H2E Meet the Real You. Healing to Employment. - page 10

- Stage two -
Support to theemployee:
Support to theemployer:
Thementoringprogramprovides one
mentor tooneemployee support.
Eachemployee receives apersonal visit
everymonthandaphonecall during the
month toensure they are supportedby
addressingconcerns andbarriers.
Thementor communicateswith the
supervisor of theemployeewhich
ensures that if thereareanycultural
orworkbarriers thesecanbeworked
through together.
Stageoneof theprogram supports
amaximumof 15 participants per
numbers of 10.
Minimumnumbers ensures that
thegroup isdiverseandensures
abalanced interactionduring
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12
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