
This business will address the unemployment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by preparing them for employment through healing of the self, improving self-efficacy of the individual and providing real support in the workplace.

Cultural Emersion Experience

The purpose of this business is to build long term employment capacity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for employment in Australia. Long-term unemployment is a constant barrier for some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and for this to change requires a holistic approach from all stakeholders.

Healing to Employment (H2E) is a unique and holistic business model that is developed with the focus of culture and people.

The vision of this organisation is to provide culturally appropriate pre employment and employment support services to individuals, groups and organisations through mentoring, coaching and counselling to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

To promote the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as positive contributors to business success.

To enhance work life balance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples and grow healthy communities.